Members' Meeting
Fri, 30 Apr
Tertiary Admissions Wrap Up and Implications of ATAR
Time & Location
30 Apr 2021, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Nathan, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan QLD 4111, Australia
About the event
Friday 30 April 2021
Tertiary Admissions “Wrap Up” and Implications of ATAR
Griffith University, Nathan Campus
8:30am Registration and networking
9:00am Welcome
9:15am QTAC Review
10:15am QCAA Review
10:40am Australian Catholic University
11:00am Morning Tea
11:25am University of Southern Queensland
11:50am Griffith University
12:00am Members Updates
12:25pm James Cook University
12:50pm Lunch
1:30pm TAFE
1:55pm Queensland University of Technology
2:20pm University of Queensland
2:45pm Wrap Up and Conclusion
COST: Financial Members: Free (Professional & Associate members)
Corporate Members: Free (School personnel who meet QASA’s Career Development standards)
$50.00 (All other school personnel)
Non-Members: $135.00 (All non-financial members)
PLEASE NOTE: Payments & memberships are required before the members meeting