Annual cost: None
Meetings: $135.00 per meeting, per person
Suitable for: All student or career advisers interested in attending QASA meetings
Professional Membership:
Annual cost: $135.00
Meetings: Free
Suitable for: Those who meet all qualifications required by QASA for Career Development Professionals as determined by the guidelines outlined by the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA)
Other Benefits:
Full access to QASA Website in addition to regular QASA updates
Free Access to all Members Meetings including morning teas and lunches
CICA Updates
Networking Opportunities
Associate Membership:
Annual cost: $195.00
Meetings: Free
Suitable for: Those who are interested in becoming a professional member but do not yet meet all the QASA professional member standards
Other Benefits:
Full access to QASA Website in addition to regular QASA updates
Free Access to all Members Meetings including morning teas and lunches
CICA Updates
Networking Opportunities
Corporate Membership:
Annual cost: $500.00
Free for individuals who meet the QASA standards for professional membership
A discounted fee of $60.00 per meeting for each school personnel who wish to attend QASA meetings but do not meet QASA professional membership standards
Suitable for: Educational institutions with one or more career advisers
Other Benefits:
Full access to QASA Website individual who meet QASA standards for professional membership
Free Access to all Members Meetings including morning teas and lunches for those who meet QASA professional membership standards
Discounted meeting fee for school personnel do not meet QASA professional membership standards
CICA Updates
Networking Opportunities